Imagine Otherwise
Dialogues in Asian American Theology and Ministry Podcast
David Wang | Research and Practice on the Care of Christian Leaders Who Have Been Wounded in the Ministry Context

David Wang | Research and Practice on the Care of Christian Leaders Who Have Been Wounded in the Ministry Context

Most of us who have served in various ministry capacities (e.g., as pastors, missionaries, lay church leaders, etc.…) are intimately familiar with the potential dark realities of the ministry environment.  Empirical research confirms that ministry is indeed often a difficult endeavor, imposing significant stress upon our spiritual life, our marital and family relationships, and our own emotional and physical well-being.  Often, those who need counseling and care the most are Christian leaders who, over the course of their ministry journey, have been deeply wounded by fellow Christians, finding themselves now downtrodden, burnt out, isolated, misjudged, and discouraged.  In such cases, how does one go about engaging the process of healing?  This workshop will present practical and research-informed considerations and recommendations in the care of Christian leaders who have been emotionally wounded by the ministry context, with special attention placed on the experiences of Asian-American church leaders.

Imagine Otherwise
Dialogues in Asian American Theology and Ministry Podcast
The Center for Asian American Christianity is a thought leader in the areas of Asian American theology and ministry. We curate a forward-thinking conversation about the issues confronting Asian American Christians and churches. Learn more about the Center for Asian American Christianity at