Imagine Otherwise
Dialogues in Asian American Theology and Ministry Podcast
Kingdom Values-Driven Parenting | Ming & Mako Nagasawa

Kingdom Values-Driven Parenting | Ming & Mako Nagasawa

2024 Mental Health Conference – Intergenerational Wholeness for Asian Americans: Integrative Approaches to Christian Spiritual and Mental Health Formation

This workshop is from the 2024 Mental Health Conference "Intergenerational Wholeness for Asian Americans: Integrative Approaches to Christian Spiritual and Mental Health Formation." “Kingdom Values-Driven Parenting” by Ming and Mako Nagasawa, recorded on January 13, 2024. Find out more about the conference here: ⁠

Abstract: What is good about Asian parenting styles? What needs redeeming by Christ? If Asian parents are too demanding, are White families too permissive? What are some important Scriptures to consider? We will talk about telling stories and giving verbal affirmation vs. silence; educating kids as missionaries vs. as capitalist competitors; and motivating kids through persevering joy and intrinsic virtues vs. needing to be better or best. We will also share stories of how our children, raised in Christian community and with a love for creation and justice, challenged their non-Christian grandparents about “success”: personal success is inseparable from community and global flourishing, because climate change makes clear that separating them was a mistake. We will also address how we as parents have handled disappointment as our kids go through faith and character struggles.

Photo by Loegunn Lai on Unsplash

Imagine Otherwise
Dialogues in Asian American Theology and Ministry Podcast
The Center for Asian American Christianity is a thought leader in the areas of Asian American theology and ministry. We curate a forward-thinking conversation about the issues confronting Asian American Christians and churches. Learn more about the Center for Asian American Christianity at